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Fee Per Item

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We offer all aspects of general and cosmetic dentistry.

We place a heavy emphasis on producing high quality work and focus strongly on prevention in order to keep treatment intervention to a minimum. We aim to educate our patients and provide enough information in order for you to understand and maintain your oral health.

Full Dental Health Assessment £35
Hygiene Appointment From £25
X-rays From £5
Amalgam Fillings From £30
Composite Fillings From £40
Root Canal From £100
Routine Extraction From £35
Veneer From £220
Porcelain Bonded Crown From £240
Porcelain Crown From £320
Porcelain Bonded Bridge From £240/unit
Porcelain Bridge From £320/unit
Dentures One Arch From £300
Dentures Both Arch From £500
Tooth Whitening From £200
Botox £230 for three areas
Implant £1950